Wednesday, April 22, 2009

History Lesson for our Leaders

As the semester has progressed, the term "entitlement" has progressively been incorporated into socialist terminology. There has been more mention of entitlement in recent weeks than I would have ever imagined at the beginning of the semester. Surely, our country is searching for reasonable solutions to the fraying economy and unstable future. Perhaps turning to lessons learned from history can inspire our leaders to reach great heights. The following clip is a concise historical perspective of the role of government.

Can we learn from history or is our unprecedented situation too far removed from any historical lesson?


  1. Interesting video clip. I definitely have concerns with the current trends and pathway government is currently taking. I think, however, that what it will ultimately boil down to is the American people. Are we going to continue to be some individualistic that we fail to assist those in need or are we going to realize we are ulimately all connected and depend upon one another. I think that are great things happening in this direction. Feed the Children campaign here in America is just one example. Ultimately, a government is only as good as its citizens. So the questions is, how are we as a people going to respond to current circumstances.

  2. Marci, Good video clip. It makes some important distinctions about government forms.
    I agree with Jessica's response. I posted elsewhere that I think public-private partnerships are good responses in whatever areas they can be developed, in lieu of total responsibility by government. However, what is government's responsibility to vulnerable populations, such as frail elders and children? Would we as a people be better off without Child and Family Support Centers? Without Old Age Disability and Survivor's Insurance? [otherwise known as Social Security].
